We visualize and tell your products’ stories to the fullest.

UFO.ADV is a full-service communication agency.
We position ourselves as a comprehensive specialized partner for companies in the ceramic and interior design sector.
In Maranello since 2008, in a large open space, a team of over 20 senior professionals provides all the skills necessary for corporate marketing: from print to websites, from 3D renders to photography, from videos to social media content, up to concept and design for events and trade shows.

Un format Originale. Specialized.
The precise choice to focus services and expertise on the needs of the ceramic and interior design sector maximizes effectiveness and efficiency, optimizing the relationship between the agency and clients through knowledge of products and markets.
Strategy + design
+ words + immages.
We believe that the integration of complementary skills is more crucial than ever to create valuable projects.
We are proud to have built a close-knit and enthusiastic team. Over time, the team has grown and strengthened, and today it consists of more than 20 people. Other skilled professionals and young talents have joined, who share the pleasure of integrating and being part of a team that finds its driving force in harmony and collaboration. Today, communication travels at high speed, integrating different languages, means, and channels.
For this reason, strategy, images, words, and design must be born together, building the effectiveness and value of communication.
At UFO.ADV, to create every image, the team that designs and creates 3D virtual environments works closely with creatives and copywriters.
The art directors collaborate in real time with architects, stylists, 3D artists, as well as marketing and product experts.
The goal is to combine skills to create highly effective images without compromising project delivery times.
The same applies to websites, with web designers and programmers, as well as for videos, social media content, or real-life images taken in our photography studio.


Michela Sabbatini
With the growth of the team, the commitment to organizing and monitoring the flow of activities has become his main task, but he does not give up his original profession as an art director in his spare time.
Michela plans and coordinates the activities of all working teams, monitoring the progress of tasks and the different professionals involved in each project.
The goal is to do things the right way at the right time.

Carlo Franzelli
As a ‘differently young’ individual, she leverages her managerial experiences as a product manager and marketing director, contributing to the setup of various projects and overseeing the correct interpretation and visualization of the product. In addition, of course, to writing creative and technical texts.
Internal knowledge of business dynamics, ceramic products, and the sales chain adds value and substance to the services offered by the agency.

Mirko Masini
Exuberant, enveloping, and effervescent like her beloved bubbles, she is the driving force behind the agency. The commercial and administrative areas are her exclusive territory, but not the only one.
Mystically determined to ensure maximum customer satisfaction, he nurtures the harmony and composition of the team with meticulous care.
From behind the scenes, he oversees and stimulates (with his unmistakable style) the overall progress of the activities.
Gestiamo internamente e in sinergia
tutte le fasi della comunicazione.